Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was…
Category: Liberals
What Happens an Hour After Drinking Local Sustainable Organic Kale Juice?
What Happens an Hour After Drinking Local Sustainable Organic Kale Juice?
This Is a Bowl of Soup I Made With My White Male Privilege
This Is a Bowl of Soup I Made With My White Male Privilege
I Don’t Always Vote Democrat
I Don’t Always Vote Democrat But When I Do, It’s Because I’m Dead and Someone’s Using My Name
If Progressives Care So Much About Helping The Poor…
If Progressives Care So Much About Helping The Poor, Then Why Do They Need The Government To Tell Them To Do It?
How many Liberals Does It Take to Defend America?
How many Liberals Does It Take to Defend America? No One Knows. They’ve Never Tried.
Change The Name All you Want… You’re Still The Same
Change The Name All you Want… You’re Still The Same.
Thank You Greenpeace, For Saving Us From Golden Rice
Thank You Greenpeace, For Saving Us From Golden Rice
Why California Is Broke and Texas Is Not
California The Governor of California is jogging with his dog along a nature trail. A coyote jumps out and attacks the Governor’s dog, then bites the Governor. The Governor starts …